Thursday 20 September 2012

LOTD: Black, White and Red

Can I hear you say Black, white and Red?

I have an obsession with one particular color combination that never seems to get boring for me. That color combination is none other than the black-white-red combo. Black and white on it's own can be a tad dull so adding red seems like the perfect escape. I decided on this outfit because I came across the red and black, Jackie-O, Andy Warhol inspired hand bag that I bought year ago at an exhibit of the work of Mr.Warhol. I decided on a Massimo Dutti blazer, black skinny pants and a black and white printed dress that I made myself some months ago! Winning! 

Accessories Close up!
As far as the accessories go I kept the color combination, wearing the rings and bracelets I had made for me and of course strap on red shoes and the bag I mentioned before.  The print of the dress along side the bracelet add a touch of fun and surprise to the outfit (or well I think so). 

This is my favorite color combo, which one is yours? 

xo and style your life modest!

Love, Kiki G.

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