Monday, 22 October 2012

Beauty Moments: Makeup Rehab

Hello beauties, hope you are all doing well!
Makeup rehab: Wearing the bare minimum (only mascara and lip gloss)
how my face looks with no make, no filter and on barely
4 hours of sleep.

I wanted to write a post about make up 'rehab'. Yes, you read it, make up rehab!!! I've recently made the decision to allow my skin to breathe a little bit, regenerate it self, and also to give myself a chance to regain confidence on my face with little to no makeup on. I wasn't a big fan of makeup a couple of years ago, but then I decided to take on the habit of wearing make up daily, which ended up becoming something I would regret doing. My face always needed to have foundation, concealer and loads of eyeliner, at least, if not many other things. As we know (and if you didn't, now you do) wearing A LOT of make up can end up cluttering your pores and without having a good skin care routine  it can really do heavy damage on the skin(such as emerging black spots, and breakouts). Aside from that, I found myself becoming really dependent on makeup, to the point where I felt insecure about leaving the house without it! That's what I call addiction.

I understand a lot of women wear make up on a regular basis, but personally for someone in their early twenties, I think being a slave to foundation and eyeliner is really not healthy, nor comfortable (considering that the road ahead is long, and exhausting makeup options is worrying). About a month or two ago I made the conscious decision to try my best to wear little make up and I lost the habit bits by bits so I wouldn't go into withdrawal so quickly and go back to putting on tons of makeup on a daily basis. 

Things I cut down on in my makeup routine:
  1. First I lost the eye shadow and the eyeliner, the heavy look on a daily basis really looked overdone and a little too much. Let's face it: I wasn't going out or had a photo shoot everyday, it was too much!
  2. Then I lost the extra amount of bronzer and blush. Like I said, way too much product every day is a routine that not only can be too much on your skin, but it also takes too a lot of time in the morning. 
  3. Finally I lost the foundation. Now, I honestly think foundation was my biggest addiction, with my skin not being perfectly smooth, foundation was the ideal way to cover up everything I didn't like, but by leaving it I realized my skin was breathing a bit more and feeling better. 

Things I kept from my make up routine:
  1. I kept my mascara simply because it is not about looking shabby or sick, and I honestly think that mascara on your eyelashes goes a long way. Mascara can help you open up the eyes and works perfectly for a flirty effect and it still looks natural.
  2. Lipstick and Lipgloss are probably one of the most fun parts of make up, but it doesn't overwhelm your skin, which is always good! Lip color is the excellent finishing touch to any look and it is quite fun to define how to match it to your clothes. Aside from that, wearing a strong lipstick can easily make you look like you are wearing a lot of make up, when you are actually not wearing that much.
The magic products for makeup rehab (regeneration musts):

Clinique Clinical darkspot corrector 
It really is about taking care of your skin, and since 'rehab' is not just about abstaining but also about regenerating. Big part of why we wear make up (in specific foundation and concealer) is to cover up 'wounded skin' that can now be easily improved with tons of new products. A couple of months ago I received a Clinique consultation at La Riviera Spa in my hometown (Bogota, Colombia) and I fell in love with the Even Better line, specifically the clinical dark spot corrector, which helps reduce the intensity of acne scars, and dark spots, simply amazing!

My second favorite(s) are tinted moisturizers with SPF!!! I LOVE THEM! Yes, I get really excited when talking about them, simply because they provide an instant moisture boost with SPF protection and a hint of skin-perfecting color. It is as refreshingly lightweight product and provides a 'no-makeup' look and feel, yet covers imperfections with a natural, hydrating touch. The magic product! My personal favorites are either Clinique Moisture Surge Tinted Moisturize or the Smashbox Sheer Focus Tinted Moisturizer (both with SPF 15). These are the best regeneration products and perfect alternative when it comes to getting used to wearing little makeup and allowing your skin to breathe better. 

Clinique Moisture Surge Tinted Moisturize

Smashbox Sheer Focus Tinted Moisturizer

Now, I am really not saying makeup is bad and should be totally banned from your life, however, being too dependent on it is not healthy (like I said). Wearing just the right amount of products and those who make you feel comfortable is vital and the smart choice. Natural beauty is always the best, what makes you great looking, is how accepting you are of yourself and how confident you are with what you have. Remember a great skincare routine, moisturizing and sunscreen are your best allies for a beautiful skin that won't require a lot of makeup. So say yes to rehab and enjoy your makeup here and there but not all the time. Plus, who wants to look overdone all the time? Whenever a special occasion comes you won't look all that different if you wear a lot of make up regularly anyway! 

xo and style your life modest!


Kiki G. 

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