Hello loves! It's been a little over a week since I last posted on the blog, and I gotta say I apologize, but you know how it is towards the end of the year...
Last week, I received a comment/message on my Tumblr, that I was surprised to read, specially by the ignorant nature behind it. The message (written by an anon) was pointing out how according to this person dressing fashionably and sharing it with everyone else was not for "fat people". As soon as I read that I knew I had to write a post about body image, especially given that our own perceptions about ourselves and our body are an essential part of our personal style.
Body Image and Fashion:
Body image refers to a person's feelings of the aesthetics and attractiveness of his or her own body.It is often questioned whether or not fashion encourages a positive body image/perception amongst people or if it only damages it. To be honest, standards of beauty are often set around the lines of tall, skinny and "pretty". Finding a way to get positive reinforcement and feeling good about the way we look becomes a Herculean task, since expectations of what beauty should or shouldn't be are seen, by many, as rules that build a straight jacket that everyone should fit into and live with. However, we also need to remember that when it comes to fashion, diversity is the order of the day.
Fashion is the element that allows a group or someone to set him/herself apart from the rest, it is set to be a tool that allows the individual to be one. New movements of self acceptance and empowerment over a person's unique physical characteristics has made it possible for anyone to feel fashionable, regardless of how the look, and in fact, encourages everyone to feel "in fashion" and empowered by their looks, even if they don't fit a stereotype.
Fashion is the element that allows a group or someone to set him/herself apart from the rest, it is set to be a tool that allows the individual to be one. New movements of self acceptance and empowerment over a person's unique physical characteristics has made it possible for anyone to feel fashionable, regardless of how the look, and in fact, encourages everyone to feel "in fashion" and empowered by their looks, even if they don't fit a stereotype.
Therefore, We can't say fashion is for a specific type of person because we would be saying that people who don't belong to a specific group can't have it. That means that even modesty (by being different) should also be included in the group of "what can't be fashionable". But no, Today's fashion is diverse and includes a lot of people and groups with different characteristics that are buying it, selling it and wearing
Great Fashion & Style is democratic, it is for everyone:
The other point where we see that fashion is becoming a thing for more than just some, is the large amount and great exposure that the blogger community has gotten. It feels like it's a must to have a blog, and in particular, fashion blogs. I'd like to think of blogs as the tools that bring fashion closer to people and make it a more relatable thing.
Amongst the incredible blogs(fashion blogs) that are out there, I'd like to highlight those blogs that encourage the idea of having a positive body image, and the blogs that encourage people to embrace fashion within their life's believes and preferences. Plus size blogs are amazing, I personally love reading them, and even though I'm not a plus size person myself, I still enjoy reading them because it also relates to those of us who aren't stick thin either. These women's input on how to dress well regardless of the body type is invaluable.
On the other hand, and my personal favourites, are modesty-related fashion blogs and b/vloggers. Which are probably the most useful and amaing tool for the modest woman who chooses to keep it cover more than anything else. The hijab tutorials and seeing in how many ways clothes can be worn in a modest way is an incredible way to empower those who choose to be different but want to stay fashionable, so cheers to them!
Now, the whole "democratization" of fashion has made is easier to be accepting of everything about us, especially our bodies. With time, and because of the projects I work on, like this blog or even better, writing for CollegeFashionista.co.uk I've seen that what really makes a difference between someone with nice clothes and someone with an excellent sense of style, is the way they carry the clothes on their back. It really is all about attitude and confidence, it's about being accepting of their/our bodies and having a positive body image, that's what makes a difference. There is nothing more incredible than seeing someone who feels so good about his/herself and how they manage to look extraordinarily great. It really isn't about how tall, short, skinny, over weight, covered, uncovered, etc. you are, it is about how you choose to carry yourself, accept yourself, and love everything about you, that's what dictates who can be fashionable and stylish or not.
So before anyone goes thinking that they must look a certain way to feel good and be "fashionable", just remember that fashion ain't no longer for models only, fashion is trademark available for everyone, especially us modesty lovers!
Kiki Gil
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