Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Beauty in Fear: A Message to You, Me, Us

I think people are afraid of sharing their fears, I think people are afraid of hearing others share their fears. What would happen if we dared share what's deep inside us? Would people panic or would they stop and listen?
What would happen if I told you you are not the only one with those fears?

Allow me to have an honest moment with you, my dear readers:

I have a fear of not being able to keep track of what I believe in, my fear is to be too sensitive to people scrutinizing me, of letting someone else's opinions bring me to question my life choices, that is my fear. 
Modesty, out of all things, is something that those who are brave embrace, something that is difficult to find in a chaotic world that demands us to keep very little to ourselves, something that we need to fight for to be able to hold on to. It ain't easy living a modest lifestyle. 

I feel as if people ignore the big elephant in the room and rather deal with their feelings on their own and end up feeling left out and out of place. I'm  not saying it happens to everyone, but in my personal experience I've felt and I've seen other women who choose modesty feel left out from everything from time-to-time. From not finding what to wear, to other more deep rooted situations like not being able to feel comfortable while going out because everyone stares, or not being able to love yourself for who you are. What ever the deal is, us women who adopt modesty as a lifestyle may feel the need to step away from it just so we can 'fit in'; however, always remember that you are not alone, there are millions of women around the world that like you,me, us chose to be different. 

Remember you have fashion and style to make it all seem a lot more fun and dare I say, beautiful. It really isn't about  "Oh look what I am wearing and look how many things I've got" it really is about "I can make myself feel pretty with what I like and what I believe in", modesty and fashion go hand in hand to make you, me, us feel gorgeous and powerful. Whenever you feel like you can't walk with your head held high and feel like you will never 'fit in', remember that princesses were never meant 'fit in', they stand out. So stand out in style and like a true princess, wear a head piece! 

Kiki Gil

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