Friday, 18 January 2013

Growing Up In Style

Have you ever wondered: What happens when we grow up? Do we lose all sense of fun, do we become too serious to have fun? Is growing up one of those things that just tells us to leave behind the little things we enjoy and put on a poker face, or better yet, a poker outfit? I really do not think so. 

Growing up is something that inevitably will show growth in who we are and, believe it or not, on how we dress. It is all about finding our way and our identity through clothes. The older we get the more able we are to find our identity in both style and clothing (which are two different things). 

My 21st birthday came and went during this week. To many turning 21 is a huge milestone, while to me it became a day where I realized I had made better sense of how I should dress and that my sense of style had really come an extremely long way. Why? Because I edit more! Yes, I finally found it in myself to edit! Don't get me wrong, a little bit too much is always more fun for me, but on January 17th, simple black was just all I needed. Forget the over-accessorizing and bright colours, I went for the chic-est colour there is: Black and just three very simple jewellery pieces; so simple than in pictures you only see one of them: The golden necklace. 

Growing up, style wise, is not about becoming boring, it is about becoming the kind of person that as Coco Chanel did: Always takes something like a piece of jewellery off before leaving the house. Growing up in style, like in life, is all about making smart choices and finding the least complicated options. 

Don't lose the fun-factor in your life, find the fun in hints of colours,
different shapes and in textures!

What I wore: 

Black to Celebrate

xo and Style Your Life Modest!


Kiki Gil 

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