Sunday 9 September 2012

Style Blabber: Who said you couldn't feel pretty while being modest?

I find it amazing that there tends to be a misconception about modesty and the need to feel good about ourselves. Being modest doesn't necessarily mean our personal appearance should be neglected.
While modesty is all about not attracting the opposite sex in the wrong way, it doesn't mean we, as modest women, are not entitled to make ourselves feel pretty. It can be possible that we get lost in a sea of ugly fabric, frumpy clothes, no make up and instantly start to forget that looking in the mirror should be about feeling good and loving what we see.

Modesty is liberating and it is also an excellent way to raise our self esteem, but only in one way that is possible: If we remember that we are ultimately dressing for ourselves and making ourselves happy and not others.

Don't forget you are a girl, A Girl, and that you are completely entitled to love everything any other girl loves. Love yourself, love your life, love your style. Be happy, feel pretty and feel good, here is how:

  • Dress nicely: It doesn't matter how many people agree or disagree with how you look, what matters is that you never stop making an effort in your appearance, especially in what you wear. Keeping it covered doesn't mean keeping it boring. Go shopping for nice clothes, buy what you like. Make sure that every piece of clothing you wear makes you feel comfortable, if it doesn't or it doesn't generate any type of security in you, DON'T WEAR IT! 

    • Take care of your health: Sometimes, without even realizing, we start thinking that because as modest women who don't show skin, we have an excuse to gain an unhealthy amount of weight and be unhealthy, like if the only excuse to be healthy, is to be able to show our bodies. Well, let me tell you that it totally isn't the case. There shouldn't be any type of excuse when it comes to staying healthy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a big girl, however, there is everything wrong with being unhealthy. Go out for a walk, don't eat in excess (this one goes for me as well) and make sure that whatever weight you are on, you keep yourself healthy. 
    • Nurture your skin and don't be scared of simple make up: You really don't need to look like you just woke up just because you try to look modest. Put on your concealer and foundation (if you need it), add a hint of mascara and off you go! Who noticed you had make up on? Probably no one, but who will feel good by wearing a tad of it? You surely will! Take care of your skin, be a girl, get facials, enjoy taking care of how your face looks. Don't worry, you are still keeping it simple without having to feel insecure about our beautiful imperfections.
    • Wear colors: This one is a personal favorite of mine, it often get underestimated how important  and good wearing bright colors makes you feel. Wearing black and gray all the time can become depressing. Whenever we see a rainbow we smile, so why not add some of the rainbow joy to our lives by incorporating a bit of the color into our outfits and wardrobes? It sound really basic, but the difference that it makes in our mood whenever we look at ourselves in a mirror, is unbelievable! 

    These are simple things we tend to forget in the sake of modesty, but today I'll tell you that your modesty won't get compromised for making yourself feel good about yourself. Don't be scared of feeling good, remember that modesty is about making you feel beautiful and comfortable.

    xo and style your life modest! 


    Kiki G.

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